Équipements — Cuisine de camping & pique-niques — Vaisselle, verres & ustensiles
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June S.
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Cool tool set
Review by June S. on 25 Aug 2023 review stating Cool tool set
I got this for camping but the tool set is so cool and well-made that it can be used for anything (home kitchen, camp kitchen...). The design is very unique and the handle hanger is super thoughtful. The three come in a little mesh bag for on-the-go use. I haven't actually used them yet but excited to bring them to my next adventure. It is Snow Pe...Lire la suiteRead more about I got this for camping but the tool
ak quality! Lire moinsRead less about I got this for camping but the tool
Sur Kitchen Tool Set|-|Ensemble d'outils de cuisine
Cynthia L.
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Attention to detail
Review by Cynthia L. on 29 Jun 2023 review stating Attention to detail
I love Snow Peak. I love the hooks on these and the nice bamboo handles. I could easily use these at home but I'm saving them for my glamping kit when we go off -grid in Quebec. Altitude Sports also had the best price.
Sur Kitchen Tool Set|-|Ensemble d'outils de cuisine
Sebastian K.
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Good kitchen set, but could be better
Review by Sebastian K. on 12 Apr 2023 review stating Good kitchen set, but could be better
The handle of these tools feel really good and I love the integrated hooks that work well with my camp kitchen setup. However, the plastic parts could be better finished hence the 4 stars!
Sur Kitchen Tool Set|-|Ensemble d'outils de cuisine
Larissa T.
Acheteur vérifié
5.0 star rating
Snow Peak camping utensils
Review by Larissa T. on 28 Mar 2023 review stating Snow Peak camping utensils
I was looking for the utensils that will be compatible with my SP portable grill. The wooden handles are esthetic and light. would love to buy a SP fork to add to this bunch.
Sur Kitchen Tool Set|-|Ensemble d'outils de cuisine
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pour 20.00$ 34.99$. Bénéficiez de 5 % de rabais et des retours gratuits à vie (temps limité)
L'ensemble d'ustensiles de cuisine comprend tous les éléments essentiels dans une mallette de rangement pratique.
L'ensemble comprend une spatule en nylon, une louche en nylon et une spatule en bambou qui se rangent dans une mallette de transport en filet avec cordon de serrage. Associez l'ensemble d'outils de cuisine au brûleur Home & Camp et au Caldero en aluminium pour obtenir un ensemble de cuisine complet.
• Meilleur utilisation: À la maison et dans la cuisine du camp
• Dimensions (LxLxP) : 11.5 pox 3.5 pox3po
• Poids : 252g
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